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Kilimanjaro Young Girls in Need UK

Donate differently

What is KYGN UK?

Kilimanjaro Young Girls in Need UK was set up in 2013. We provide assistance from the UK for children in Kilimanjaro, by supporting a Tanzanian NGO called Kilimanjaro Young Girls in Need (KYGN). As a UK registered charity KYGN UK (CIO) makes it easier for you to donate to Tanzania.


To find out more about KYGN check out their website

About us

Donate differently

We're not like other charities

We believe in a more efficient and honest way to donate. All of our UK staff are volunteers, we don't pay ourselves anything. We don't waste money on marketing and advertising. We make our own website and even pay for stationery out of our own pockets


Our guarantee

We guarantee that every penny you donate goes directly to projects in Tanzania. To the hands of the people who need it most. Paying for teachers, school books, electricity, medical checks, new classrooms... Giving some of the poorest children in the World a chance of a better life.


KYGN UK has a new legal status as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and will be known as KYGN UK (CIO).  There are NO changes at all to the objectives and work of KYGN UK but the change means the Charity Commission monitors more closely (reassuring for donors) and it gives greater legal protection to Trustees.  KYGN UK (CIO) has a new registered charity number: 1166576.  Any questions at all about this change, please contact us


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Registered charity #1166576

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